On Tuesday, March 8th Carbon High School opened its doors to the Class of 2026. Current 8th graders from Helper and Mont Harmon filled Carbon’s auditorium as students were introduced to the school and their future classes.
Principal Hardy and the counseling team at CHS started the visit by welcoming the 8th graders and introducing them to the academic differences they would be encountering next year at the high school.
Counselor John Brooks informed the 8th graders of the requirements for graduation, including the number of credits. He touched on “How to Succeed in High School”, emphasizing the importance of showing up and asking for help when needed.
In relation to asking for help, he described the school’s FLEX program. Brooks explained that FLEX is time given to every student at CHS to go to a class where they may be struggling - or even just missing assignments - to get help from that teacher. The FLEX time can be assigned by a teacher to any given student, or it can also be student-determined. Brooks showed the future Dinos what classes they will have to choose from next year and showed them how they will register for those classes.
After Brook’s presentation, time was handed over to Co-Athletic Director Amy Fox to fill the students in on the requirements for participation in CHS Athletics. Including GPA requirements, and eligibility cutoffs.
After the initial presentation, 8th graders were assigned to a CHS Student Government leader who took them to have lunch; after which time, the students got to visit their 9th grade teachers and get an idea of what their classes and school days will look like in the fall.