If you are signed up for USU-E classes and do not currently have an A#, you will need to apply for an A# and a password before you are able to register for classes through USU-Eastern. Please go to the following link and complete steps one and two if you do not already have an A#:
If you would like assistance with steps one and two, students and parents/guardians may come to Carbon High School on Wednesday, July 29th from 9-noon. Sarah Wolford from USU-Eastern will be available to assist students and parents/guardians with questions. Please bring your social security number, two email addresses, and a credit card with you on this date. You will also need to wear a face covering upon entering the building.
See more information below...
Earn College Credit While Attending Carbon High School by Taking Concurrent Enrollment Or Career and Technical Education Courses through USU-E.
Juniors and seniors with a 3.0 GPA may register to take Concurrent Enrollment courses through USU-E. Students who have at least a 2.0 GPA and meet program admittance requirements may sign up for CTE classes through USU- E. Students have the opportunity to earn both college and high school credit if they qualify for and pass these courses. If you want to learn more about earning college credit while in high school, please ask a school counselor more about it.
Students who are currently signed up for or who plan on taking a Concurrent Enrollment or Career and Technical Education course through USU-Eastern for the upcoming school year will need to apply for an A# prior to being able to register for classes at USU-Eastern. Sarah Wolford from USU-Eastern will be at Carbon High School on Wednesday, July 29th from 9:00 a.m. to noon to assist students who need to apply for an A#. Please bring your Social Security Number, two emails, and a credit card with you on this date. You will also need to wear a face covering upon entering the building.
After applying for admission, your student will receive an email with an A#. Once your student has their A#, return to the Concurrent Enrollment website to create a password. You will need both an A# and password to register for classes beginning August 10th.
If you have previously taken courses at USU-Eastern and already have an A#, you will not need to reapply for an A#. You will use the A# that was previously assigned to you when registering for upcoming classes.
Registration for Fall 2020 semester will open on Monday, August 10th. Please make sure that you are using the correct website when registering for Concurrent Enrollment/CTE classes ( this will help alleviate a number of problems for you at the beginning of the school year. If you would like assistance registering for USU-E classes, Sarah Wolford from USU-Eastern will be at Carbon High School on Monday, August 10th from 8:00-10:00 a.m. Please make sure that you have your A# and password with you when you arrive. You will also need to wear a face covering upon entering the building. Please try logging in prior to this date.
After registering for the classes make sure that you are aware of payment deadlines if you do not pay for the courses at the time of registration. Additional fees are added by USU-Eastern if payment deadlines are not met and holds will be placed on your account creating problems for you when trying to apply for future classes.
If you withdraw from a Concurrent Enrollment/CTE course you must do so at both USU-Eastern and Carbon High School.
If students have an IEP/504 at the high school similar accommodations can be applied for by going through the Academic Access Center on the USU-E campus for Concurrent Enrollment/CTE courses.