2020-21 Carbon High School Registration
Students will be able to make changes to their schedules Tuesday, July 28th - Friday, August 7th on their student Aspire account. If students need assistance changing their schedule, counselors will be available at the school on the following dates:
Tuesday August 4th 9th – 12th grade students (A-G) 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Wednesday August 5th 9th – 12th grade students (H-M) 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Thursday August 6th 9th – 12th grade students (N-S) 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Friday August 7th 9th – 12th grade students (T-Z) 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Parents/guardians will be able to complete the registration paperwork beginning Monday, July 20th by going to the link below using their parent Aspire account. Additional instructions to complete registration were mailed home and are also available on the school website.
Click here to complete registration paperwork starting Monday, July 20th.
Click here for the full registration flyer sent home for more information.