On May 8th, Brenna Penry and Robin Trujillo were honored at a Retirement Banquet. Both ladies have worked as kindergarten teachers in our district and have made a huge impact on the small communities that they have taught in. Robin has taught at Peterson Elementary and Bruin Point Elementary in the community of East Carbon for 30 years. Brenna taught outside of the district for several years, and she has been at Wellington Elementary for 29 years. These ladies have been anchors in their schools, and they will be greatly missed. Each school is hosting a Retirement Tea in their honor. On May 15th, from 3:00-5:00pm, Wellington Elementary invites colleagues and community members to share well wishes with Brenna. On May 25th, from 11:30am-1:00pm, Bruin Point invites colleagues and community members to celebrate Robin.
CSD Retirements
May 9, 2023