Free School Meals
Wellington Elementary staff and students celebrate education
Public auction
 Mont Harmon Middle School offers many electives, football wins big
New year brings special moments at Castle Valley Center
Thank you
Summer Lunch information
Sally Mauro Elementary opens year with fresh ideas and success
School Lunch program
​New construction, changes in operations highlights beginning of HMS year
A para professional at Creekview Elementary conducts an assessment of a student. The divider is used because during the assessment the aide must be able to see the students mouth as well as hear him during the test.
Castle Heights opens with enthusiasm
First Day of School 2020
​Vogrinec will work to provide a great education for students at Wellington Elementary
Bruin Point’s new principal has unique experience that will serve the community well.
Bell takes over reins of Carbon’s Special Education programs
School Reopening Plan
Basinger named to District Administration at Carbon School District
UPDATED Kindergarten Round Up
District finds that changes have resulted in finding great teachers