Carbon School District

Preschool teachers from Wellington, Creekview, Sally Mauro and Bruin
Point met at the Utah State Capitol on Friday, September 13 to receive
training on the LETRS program. Lucy Hart Poulson, the author of
“LETRS for Early Childhood Educators,” worked with teachers on early
literacy foundations. Follow up meetings are scheduled throughout the
year to help teachers as they gain greater understanding of oral
language development and other critical early literacy and language

Preschool teachers also met in September to decide on goals for
continuous improvement. This year we are going to focus on helping
parents increase learning interactions with their preschool student. A
fun parent- child interaction activity will come home every month. For
October, the activity centers around the book “The Gruffalo”. Each
child will receive a free copy of the book along with some suggested
activities to do while parent and child engage with the book. We hope
parents and their children will have fun with these activities!

Carbon School District has preschool at Sally Mauro, Creekview,
Wellington, Bruin Point, and the Castle Valley Center. Tuition is $50 a
month for the 3 year old class and $70 a month for the 4 year old class.
The district also offers special education services for preschool age
children. If you have a concern about your child’s development please
call Beverly Martinez, the District Preschool Coordinator at 637-9150.